Science Honours Academy

Physics and Astronomy

The Physics honours programme is designed for students looking for an extra challenge on top of their regular programme, and which will bring you into contact with top research at an early stage of your studies. The honours programme begins in the second half of the first year with a matching meeting. During the first and second year it is composed of modules where, with a small group of fellow students, you participate in visits to research centres, read articles and have discussions about how to conduct research. In the third year, as part of your honours thesis, you undertake an extensive research project. Additionally, during your second and third year, you participate in the Interdisciplinary Module of the Science Honours Academy (Osiris BETA-B2HRI), together with the honours students of the other (Beta) disciplines.


In terms of content the core part of the physics honours programme is during the study year 2 and 3. The main activity in the second year is to follow a number of honours modules. Each of these includes a visit to a research centre. Some modules are in a UU based research centres while others are in research groups in other institutions in the Netherlands. In addition to the general objectives of honours education, these modules are intended to help you make an informed choice of the possible honours bachelor research projects that you will complete in year 3. Alongside the possibility of having additional honours elements within the regular bachelor courses, the honours programme of year 3 is fully dedicated to the bachelor research project (BONZ) which is twice as big (double the number of ECTS points) as the BONZ of the regular program. During year 3, you will have regular joint meetings with the coordinator and give short presentations and discussions about the progress of your research projects.

Further details on the Physics honours programme can be found in the manual below. Alternatively, click here for contacting details.