
Interdisciplinary Project Presentations
The presentations for the Fall 2020 SHA interdisciplinary project will take place on Jan 14th 19:00-21:00 (with a short break). The presenting will be done in the form of a video livestream via MS Teams. After each video, there will be some time to ask questions and give input to the presenting team. Non-UU students can also join…
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Review: Virtual national trip to ESTEC
On Friday the 18th of December the first national trip of this academic year took place. This trip was all about the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) that is located in Noordwijk. ESTEC is the biggest research and technology centre of the European Space Agency (ESA), an organization of 22 European member states,…
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Happy Holidays!
We are proud of how, together, we have made all SHA events a success this year, despite these exceptional times. The current board has made a short video to share this year’s final announcement in a more personal way. In this video we look back on the SHA year so far and look ahead to…
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Virtual national trip: European Space Research and Technology Centre
For the first National Trip of the year, the National Trip Committee invites you to join a virtual national trip to the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), located in Noordwijk. ESTEC is the main technology development and test centre of the European Space Agency (ESA). ESA is an organisation of 22 European member states that is dedicated to the exploration…
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Reception: Christmas Music Bingo
The Reception Committee would like to invite you to the online Christmas music bingo. You will be divided into groups and the first person per group to have bingo will receive a small prize! The online bingo will be held on the 15th of December from 19:30 until around 21:00 on Microsoft Teams. If you want to attend the bingo, please sign up before the 12th of December. Please…
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Masterclass: Rhetoric in today’s society
We are happy to announce the first online Masterclass of this academic year! Frist Bloemberg from Het Debatbureau will come to teach us about Rhetoric in today’s society. The masterclass will be given on the 30th of November and the 2nd of December, on both days at 17:30-19:30. The past few weeks we have seen a lot of examples…
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Pubquiz: Positive Quarantine
Get yourself a beer and join in this quiz about everything that happened and didn’t happen in the last few months! The winning team will receive a fun surprise. The event will take place on Thursday November 26th from 20:00 until around 21:30. It will be an online event via Microsoft Teams and YouTube.
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Symposium: Sleep
The Symposium Committee is happy to announce the second online Symposium of this academic year! The theme of the Symposium is something we spent approximately one third of our lives doing, yet many of us do not know much about it: ‘Sleep’! The online Symposium will be held on Tuesday the 24th and Wednesday the…
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Excursion: Online Geocaching
The excursion committee would like to invite you to join them on an online, “outdoor” excursion: geocaching! Using Google Maps you will solve riddles and puzzles in small groups of about 5 people. The fastest three groups will get a prize for their achievements. This excursion takes place on November the 17th, at 19:30. Microsoft…
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Reception: Escape the museum!
When was the last time you escaped from a museum? The Reception Committee invites you to an online reception, involving a virtual escape room! The escape experience will take place on the eve of Wednesday 28th of October in Microsoft Teams. The event will last from 19.30 to 21.30. Please sign up before the 25th…
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