
Book Symposium Biology honours programme: OUT Of The BOX
On behalf of the 11th Biology honours programme: Dear Honours students, We would like to invite you to our online symposium about our book: OUT Of The BOX, on friday the 23nd of October from 17.00. The symposium is given in Dutch. One of the projects in the Biology honours programme is writing a book…
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Symposium: Sustainability
The first symposium committee invites you to the first online symposium of the academic year! The theme of the Symposium is ‘Sustainability’. Four speakers will speak ‘live’ via MS Teams about a variety of topics relating to ‘Sustainability’. The online Symposium will be spread over two evenings, Wednesday the 21th and Thursday the 22nd of…
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The students of the 3rd year CPS course Advanced Immunopharmacology are organizing a Tedx event on the 30th of September, where they will give multiple interesting talks about immunology topics. It will be held on Teams between 10 and ~12:20, but you can of course also choose to just attend one or two talks :)….
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Pool Night
On September 22 the student board organized an evening for first year SHA students to have a drink with fellow first years while playing pool and some other fun games at Ozebi Snooker B.V. Utrecht! It was the first community event of the academic year. The registrations had almost immediately reached their maximum, leaving a group of enthusiastic students who have ensured an enjoyable evening and probably improved some pooling skills!
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Introductory Evening
The 9th of September an introductory event organised by the student board for the new SHA students took place. The evening started with an introductory presentation in room Theatron in Educatorium. Afterwards, dinner was served outside, close to the Uithof. Fortunately the weather remained dry. It was the perfect opportunity to have a nice conversation…
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New: SHA Instagram page!
The Science Honours Academy Instagram page has been launched! News, upcoming events, SHA moments and experiences will be shared. A poll showed that Instagram is a very popular platform among the SHA students and let the student board be just as excited about it! Students can choose to become a member of the private group….
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MasterClass: Creative Thinking and Memorisation (CANCELLED/DIGITAL)
Sadly, due to corona, this event cannot take place physically. Therefore, there will be digital alternatives, so you can still earn your points required for fulfilling the Interdisciplinary Module (SHA part) of your honours programme. More information on this can be found in your inbox.
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Symposium: Serendipity in Science (CANCELLED/DIGITAL)
‘Serendipity’ is a classification used to describe scientific discoveries that happen at the intersection of chance and wisdom. Serendipity is, therefore, the art of making an unsought finding. But how can you find something you are not looking for and how can you value your finding? During this symposium, different serendipities will be discussed! Eager…
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Masterclass: Presenting yourself (CANCELLED/DIGITAL)
A fist impression is a window of only 7 seconds. This is how long it takes for a person to create an opinion. Therefore, it is important to introduce yourself, because it shows your ability to meet new people confidently. It makes others feel more comfortable and allows you to make a sound first impression!…
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Symposium: Philosophy of Science (CANCELLED)
Science as we know it is rooted in the seventeenth-century Scientific Revolution. Since then, the foundations of the sciences have been the subject of constant debate. How certain is scientific knowledge? Is there such a thing as a scientific method? What is the relationship between science and metaphysics? What is the nature of space and…
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