Reports on past events.

Report second Interdisciplinary Symposium 2015-2016: Future of Food
The subject of the December symposium was the Future of Food. We felt honoured that the head of the Future Food Utrecht focus area of Utrecht University, Rens Voeseneck, agreed to speak in the beginning of the evening. He is very enthusiastic of this department and he was not afraid to show it. His philosophy…
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International Trip 2015-2016: Copenhagen
Copenhagen Trip 2015 Science Honours Academy Written reportage by: Hugo Damstra (Molecular Life Sciences), Dido van der Gon (Physics), Joyce Kromwijk (Chemistry), Sten Tonkens (Biology), Livia Wilod Versprille (College of Pharmaceutical Sciences) On Monday evening we arrived in Copenhagen at our beautiful hostel. After quickly dropping our bags in the room, we went to…
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2nd Honours Symposium, Future Food
The symposium, inspired by the “Future Food” research at UU, will start at 19:00 (welcome from 18:30) and will end around 21:30. The location of the symposium is the Ruppert Blauw Room. The evening will include the following topics and discussions: 19:00-19:30 Opening by Rens Voesenek: Head of the Future Food Program 19:30-20:00 Dennis Oonincx:…
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First Interdisciplinary Symposium 2015-2016: Natural Sciences
Speakers: Michiel van den Broeke, Marine and Atmospheric Research, GRACE. Coert van Gemeren, Interaction Technology. Laura Filion, Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysics. Report 1: Hylke Kortenbosch The central topic of the symposium “Natural sciences” is quite obvious for an interdisciplinary beta-symposium and was clearly reflected in the three talks of the evening. Despite being focussed mainly on physics…
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Academic year off to a great start!
On September 14th of 2015 the Science Honours Academy officially kicked off the new year with an welcome event for the new students. A great chance for the students joining to get introduced the programme, as well as to meet their fellow honours students. The evening started off with several presentations on the activities and…
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Science Honours Poster Symposium: from weather models to HIV transmission
The second Science Honours Academy Poster Symposium of this year was held on June 18th, 2015. Nine interdisciplinary groups had been working on a subject of their choice for two months and attended the symposium to present their findings. The organising committee opened the evening by welcoming everyone present. A special mention was given to students of Junior College Utrecht…
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