Science Honours Academy


Reports on past events.

International trip – Prague

From the 24th to the 28th of April, around 80 SHA students went on the international trip to Prague. The organizing committee had arranged a ton of different activities to ensure an educational but most of all fun week. The aim of this trip was to see another country, to experience and interact with another…

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Interfacultary Symposium: Regenerative Medicine

The interfacultary symposium of March 29th was organised with a very intriguing topic to everyone who is at least a little bit interested in medicinal research: “Regenerative medicine”. But firstly, even though we have all heard about regenerative medicine and the promises that it makes either from our professors, the news, maybe a friend; do…

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Symposium – Light

The SHA symposium on the 9th of February started at 18:15 with drinks and walk-in. After a short introduction the speakers were announced; first on was dr. Dries van Oosten, who gave a lecture on nanophotonics and the nature of light. He spoke about how light is constructed as both waves and particles. While the…

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1st Interdisciplinary Project Presentations

An interdisciplinary approach strives to broaden perspectives, to find new insights and to solve problems of a certain subject through the collaboration between different disciplines. It’s based upon the theory of synergy; the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. In this project students with different disciplines are thrown together to approach the…

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Masterclass Academic English

On 14th and 16th of December, a series of Masterclasses on Academic English writing was organized by one of the committees of the Science Honours Academy. Many people are confident in using their English in everyday situations, however the kind of English they need for study is different. Academic English is the type of language…

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Artis Trip

On 25th of November, the trip to Artis Royal Zoo took place. The day started off by attending a lecture by dr. E.A. de Jong. He spoke about how the name of the zoo has been derived from the latin ‘Natura Artis Magistra’ or the relation between nature, art and science and how this has…

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Halloween Reception

On the 31st of October, SHA members had the opportunity to attend the Halloween reception. During this event honours students were able to get to know each other in a fun and casual way. The reception committee had arranged drinks and food, especially the tostis were a great success! The room was decorated in Halloween…

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Festive opening of the SHA room

After the introduction and graduation event on Monday, this Wednesday it was time to officially open the brand new SHA Room.  There was free cake, the possibility to sign up for committees, the chance to meet the new student board and a lot of “gezelligheid”! It was good to see students from different years and…

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Introduction and Graduation event

Introduction, graduation and a board change, a lot has happened this Monday.  The evening started with an introduction into the SHA for the new honours students. They learned about the different activities and the committees that organise them, and they got a chance to sign up for these committees. After a break, the first ever…

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Poster Presentations of the Interdisciplinary Projects

Below is the photo report of the poster symposium on 22th of February 2016. Made by Louise Franssen The behaviour of the AMOC and its future implications An interesting project about the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, which is a major current in the Atlantic Ocean. Changes in this current could have a substantial impact on our…

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