Science Honours Academy


29 April 2020
17:00 - 21:30
Ruppert building, Utrecht University

Symposium: Serendipity in Science (CANCELLED/DIGITAL)

‘Serendipity’ is a classification used to describe scientific discoveries that happen at the intersection of chance and wisdom. Serendipity is, therefore, the art of making an unsought finding. But how can you find something you are not looking for and how can you value your finding?

During this symposium, different serendipities will be discussed! Eager to learn more about beautiful unplanned discoveries? Then sign up via the link in your inbox, or on Facebook/WhatsApp.

The symposium will take place in the Ruppert building. You will earn 0.25 ECTS (in the old reward system) or 2 points in the educational category (in the new reward system).

Sadly, due to corona, this event cannot take place. Therefore, there will be digital alternatives, so you can still earn your points required for fulfilling the Interdisciplinary Module (SHA part) of your honours programme. More information on this can be found in your inbox.