
Debate evening
“It is better to debate a question without settling it, than to settle a question without debating it.” – Joseph Joubert (French moralist & essayist, 1754-1824) ? As monsieur Joubert so beautifully said, debating is a prime skill and activity that one should possess and use to evaluate questions in society. That is why, on March 29th,…
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International trip: BUDAPEST
We, as the SHA International Trip Committee, are happy to announce that this year we can go abroad with our trip! ? The destination will be Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary! This trip will take place in week 16 (18-22 April 2022). This will be a valuable experience, both educationally as well as culturally. Important information has been summarized below, and further practical information will follow later….
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Masterclass: entrepreneurship
We are excited to invite you to the first masterclass of 2022! Dr. Werner Liebregts from Tilburg University will be our guest speaker and will tell us about entrepreneurship. He will also make a bridge from entrepreneurship to data science, to further pique your interest. The masterclass will consist of two evenings and an assignment…
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Excursion: murder mystery
We would like to invite you to solve a murder mystery during the first SHA excursion of 2022! Join us for a fun evening of solving puzzles and you’ll have the chance to win a prize. The event will be on Thursday February 17th, from 18.00 to 20.00 at Wilhelminapark. Drinks and snacks will be provided. Joining…
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National trip: Janssen Pharmaceutics
We are happy to announce that this year, we will be collaborating with Janssen to organize a Virtual National Trip! ? You will be given a high-quality tour of the company to see where pharmaceuticals are made, and research is done! ? The main focus of the tour will be environment and sustainability. Janssen’s goal…
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Pubquiz: winter holidays
Winter is coming and that means Christmas, New Year and Pubquizzes. So hereby we send you the invitation to the first pubquiz of the year with the theme ‘Winter Holidays’! The pubquiz will be held on December 16th from 19:00 until 21:00. The pubquiz will be held online in MS teams. Last time the winning team…
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Symposium: Technological Utopia
We would like to announce the upcoming symposium: Technological Utopia!Please join us on Wednesday the 8th and Friday the 10th of December from 17:15 – 19:30. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, it will be held online via MS Teams. The symposium will be about up-and-coming technologies related to beta sciences that could change the field significantly and hopefully bring forth utopic scenarios. ? Four speakers will share…
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Excursion: online escape room
Unfortunately, we had to cancel our Pingpong activity due to the new covid restrictions. Instead, we would like to invite you to challenge yourself and your fellow SHA students by joining our online escape room. The team who escapes their room the fastest will get a small reward. ? You can join us on November 24th starting…
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The students of the 3rd year CPS course Advanced Immunopharmacology are organizing a Tedx event on the 30th of September, where they will give multiple interesting talks about immunology topics. It will be held on Teams between 10 and ~12:20, but you can of course also choose to just attend one or two talks :)….
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MasterClass: Creative Thinking and Memorisation (CANCELLED/DIGITAL)
Sadly, due to corona, this event cannot take place physically. Therefore, there will be digital alternatives, so you can still earn your points required for fulfilling the Interdisciplinary Module (SHA part) of your honours programme. More information on this can be found in your inbox.
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