Reports of activities

MasterClass: Creative Thinking and Memorisation (CANCELLED/DIGITAL)
Sadly, due to corona, this event cannot take place physically. Therefore, there will be digital alternatives, so you can still earn your points required for fulfilling the Interdisciplinary Module (SHA part) of your honours programme. More information on this can be found in your inbox.
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Symposium: Serendipity in Science (CANCELLED/DIGITAL)
‘Serendipity’ is a classification used to describe scientific discoveries that happen at the intersection of chance and wisdom. Serendipity is, therefore, the art of making an unsought finding. But how can you find something you are not looking for and how can you value your finding? During this symposium, different serendipities will be discussed! Eager…
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Masterclass: Presenting yourself (CANCELLED/DIGITAL)
A fist impression is a window of only 7 seconds. This is how long it takes for a person to create an opinion. Therefore, it is important to introduce yourself, because it shows your ability to meet new people confidently. It makes others feel more comfortable and allows you to make a sound first impression!…
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Symposium: Philosophy of Science (CANCELLED)
Science as we know it is rooted in the seventeenth-century Scientific Revolution. Since then, the foundations of the sciences have been the subject of constant debate. How certain is scientific knowledge? Is there such a thing as a scientific method? What is the relationship between science and metaphysics? What is the nature of space and…
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SHA Music Night 19th of February
The first-ever SHA Music Night was a great success! A few musicians from the SHA had gathered a couple of times to rehearse 10 songs that were performed in the Cambridge bar. We from the music committee had a fantastic evening and we hope all guests did too. The final song wouldn’t have been as…
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High Tea Roulette?!
The Christmas holiday is approaching, but the excursion committee has already planned the next fun social event that will take place after the holiday! This event will be in the afternoon so people that have trouble attending events in the evening can still come to a social event. Because of the timing, we thought it…
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Interdisciplinary poster presentations & Symposium
On Tuesday June 6th, the SHA symposium took place at the Koningsberger building. This symposium consisted of several plenary speakers and the poster presentation from the students who participated in the SHA interdisciplinary projects. The evening started off with the first speaker, René van Roij, professor in soft-Matter theory at the institute for theoretical physics…
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Masterclass – Pitching your research
Ever listened to a presentation of a classmate or a professor and thought; this is so incredibly boring? Well Hans van de Water who instructed the Masterclass “Pitching your research” on Thursday the 18th of May had the same thought. He was “sick and tired of listening to bad research presentations”. Together with Toon Verlinden…
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National Trip – PRA Health Sciences
On Friday April 21st a group of around 20 students went to Groningen to visit PRA Health Sciences. We left Utrecht station at 10:30 by train. Once we arrived in Groningen, we ate our lunch and then our tour started. First, we got some general information about PRA Health Sciences. It is a company specialized…
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International trip – Prague
From the 24th to the 28th of April, around 80 SHA students went on the international trip to Prague. The organizing committee had arranged a ton of different activities to ensure an educational but most of all fun week. The aim of this trip was to see another country, to experience and interact with another…
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