
Koningsdag Borrel
On the 27th of April there are festivals all around the Netherlands to celebrate “Koningsdag”. Of course the SHA can’t miss out, so a Koningsdagborrel will take place on May 1st!
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SHA Information Meeting
This evening is organised for first year students with interest in the honours programme. The evening will start with some general information about what honours is, about Decartes and about the interdisciplinary component of the SHA. After a short break, the disciplines will split up to allow the honours coordinators of each discipline to inform…
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National trip – PRA Health Science
PRA Health Sciences is specialized in doing clinical research in humans. The doctors and researchers at PRA study the effects and possible side effects of new or improved drugs.
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Symposium – Light
The SHA symposium on the 9th of February started at 18:15 with drinks and walk-in. After a short introduction the speakers were announced; first on was dr. Dries van Oosten, who gave a lecture on nanophotonics and the nature of light. He spoke about how light is constructed as both waves and particles. While the…
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1st Interdisciplinary Project Presentations
An interdisciplinary approach strives to broaden perspectives, to find new insights and to solve problems of a certain subject through the collaboration between different disciplines. It’s based upon the theory of synergy; the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. In this project students with different disciplines are thrown together to approach the…
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Masterclass Academic English
On 14th and 16th of December, a series of Masterclasses on Academic English writing was organized by one of the committees of the Science Honours Academy. Many people are confident in using their English in everyday situations, however the kind of English they need for study is different. Academic English is the type of language…
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2nd Poster Project Symposium & Interdisciplinary Symposium
On Tuesday, the 6th of June, a combination of two SHA events will take place. The evening will consist of both the poster symposium and a regular symposium. At the poster symposium, several groups of students will present the findings of their interdisciplinary project.
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“Tosti” Afternoon
Come to the SHA room on this lovely day to enjoy a free “tosti”/grilled cheese sandwich with your fellow SHA students!
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Artis Trip
On 25th of November, the trip to Artis Royal Zoo took place. The day started off by attending a lecture by dr. E.A. de Jong. He spoke about how the name of the zoo has been derived from the latin ‘Natura Artis Magistra’ or the relation between nature, art and science and how this has…
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